Don’t get burned this Halloween

Halloween is meant to be fun – don’t let your evening be ruined by a fire that causes injury or property damage.

MHHfrankensteinWith candles inside jack-o-lanterns, decorative torches lighting up sidewalks, and flammable decorations all around, the risk of fire can be high on this spooky night.

As you plan your Halloween activities, keep these fire safety tips in mind:

  • Be sure all costumes and decorations are made of flame-resistant or flame-retardant material
  • Keep decorations away from flames or other heat sources
  • Don’t use candles for decorations
  • Make sure children have adult supervision anywhere candles are lit
  • Keep exits clear of decorations
  • Make sure the kids know how to stop, drop, and roll if their clothes catch fire

 With a little planning and preparation, you can ensure the biggest problem you face on Halloween night might be a tummy ache from too much candy.

(Sources: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), U.S. Fire Administration)

And while we hope fire never happens to you, BluSky here for you if you ever need fire damage cleanup and restoration.

For more Halloween fire safety tips, check these links:

National Fire Protection Association’s Halloween Safety page

US Fire Adminnistration’s Halloween fire safety tips

Sparky’s Halloween Fire Safety Tips


(Halloween image courtesy of Aeolidia )

Candace Johnson

Corporate Marketing Manager

Candace is a veteran marketer, who specializes in bringing out the best in companies. Responsibilities for BluSky include content creation and editing, brand management and consistency, website management, public relations writing, advertising, and social media management. Candace lives just south of Chicago with her husband Eric and three children.

Candace Johnson

Corporate Marketing Manager
Candace Johnson headshot